tisdag 28 april 2015

Presentation 2 Communication

The group started with a timeline outlining how communication has changed since the 5/6th century to modern age. They also went over the negative sides and positive sides of the changing form of communication

the Cheney model was brought up and the essence of what communication is was discussed as well as the barriers and limitations of communication.

The group went on to what they called the two types of communication and how they have their strong sides and weaknesses.  

They talked about how the environment affects the way of communication. For example how well the persons involved know each other or the profession.

A table set up with types of communication used by the group themselves displayed some pros and cons.

Different types of communication in groups was discussed. Top down or bottom up types but a networking side as well.

So how does this relate to us and what does it mean/change about our job.

Communication has always been important in humanitys history. Some say it is our greatest power to transfer knowledge betwen generations through communication and it has no small job in our scenario either.

The comunication between client and architect must be one of the most delicate and intriquette things about architecture. How do you get your idea across in an understandeable matter or how do you convey your vision and arrive at the same conclusion as your client.

In our case we have had a very clear channel with our clients on what they want and how much they expect. I feel our exchange with Russell has also been crystal clear so far as im concerned and I think we have a very good idea on what we aim to achieve.

This is our key communications action in our project. The dialouge between us, clients and professor.

tisdag 21 april 2015

Presentation 1 Planning

Today the presenting group talked about planning and how it will ensure you are being proactive and prepared for any problem you might face.

The process of planning was discussed and a 8 point system to follow to ensure your planning is efficient and executable.

The group talked about how the planning would help them with their project and gave examples of how you could connect through social media or document sharing.

They showed the benefits of planning especially with the programs we are using and how the planning could help improve the overall performance of the group.

They also showed a short clip they had made to get the message across easier. A stop motion styled clip showing hand drawn white board text and pictures. It was a very interesting way of presenting the subject.

So how does this relate to our project and why is planning so important.

Planning proves again and again how valuable it can be. Not only in projects but in anything from war to friendships. The planning process and how flexible it can be determines, in my opinion, how effective a plan can be. Because no plan that hasn't accounted for an error margin or something else going wrong isn't going to be a very good plan.

You need backup plans, failsafe plans, emergency plans. Planning is really important to whatever comes into our lives.

To us the plan has been very simple. Get X done til Y and perhaps add Z if there is time. A very simple if/and statement of a plan but there is more to any plan. We all have our individual plans along with the group plan and in our sistuation I don't feel like I know the others plan compared to our groups. We have very clear guidelines and goals  but our plans may differ.

We will resolve this with our comming group meetings but I just found it interesting to analyze.

Whatever we do we have to plan for the unexpected, without it being possible.